Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dow lower again!!

Down, down, down. One dreary week after another, it's getting to be a bad habit.

In the chart below, the 2 indices are reversed. The Alerian MLP Index is on top with the better performance while the Dow is represented by the constantly sinking line below. Given how terrible this year has been for the Dow, it's easy to forget its starting point followed one of the worst years for the stock markets in history.

Alerian MLP Index vs Dow --- YTD

The ugly jobs report on Fri, brought some good news. Well, sort of good news. One sector of the economy saw job growth, i.e. gov jobs. I guess that's what prompted the pres to go to Ohio to brag about 25 policemen being rehired (for 1 year) to show how the stimulus package was "working."

I took this picture of Misty last night. She has recovered from her heart attack 2 months ago, however she has aged.

The stock markets will recover from their massive stroke in the last 2 years, only this will take a very long time. The last time markets went thru this ordeal, the Dow peaked at 1K early in 1973 & than sank over 40%. It recovered but it took almost a decade to revisit 1K. This depressed market may rebound in that kind of fashion. The Dow is 53% below its peak in Oct 2007

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